Sunsets & Snowdrifts Cybersecurity Podcast: Episode 5 – Truth in Cyber

Discussion: Truth In Cyber

In Episode 5 of the Sunsets & Snowdrifts podcast, “Truth In Cyber,” hosts Frank, Evan, and Kennedy discuss pressing issues within the cybersecurity industry.

Our experts begin their discussion on the subject of the recent CrowdStrike outage, which disrupted Windows machines and even grounded flights globally. Instead of speculating on the cause, the hosts focus on the industry’s collective response to such incidents, emphasizing the importance of transparency and truth.

Cybersecurity News

The episode begins with a significant incident: the recent CrowdStrike outage that rattled the industry. It’s emphasized that the focus should be on collectively analyzing the industry’s response rather than getting caught up in speculation about the causes. This sentiment leads to sharing unsettling experiences with misleading claims and predatory sales tactics.

There is a reflection on the alarming frequency with which companies assert, “that would never happen to us,” only to later find themselves victims of security incidents. This exchange lays the groundwork for a broader discussion on the imperative for transparency within cybersecurity practices.

The Need for More Transparency and Truth in Cyber

As the conversation flows, predatory tactics that are unfortunately familiar in the industry are addressed. A critical examination of why these stories keep emerging is invited. The concept, “Where There’s Mystery, There’s Margin,” is introduced, highlighting how a lack of clarity often leads to exploitation.

The discussion goes on to examine how the failure of vendors to adequately support mid-size Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) has compromised security for smaller entities, particularly due to the focus on larger enterprises.

Fixing a Broken Industry

Continuing the dialogue, the consequences of treating cybersecurity products as mere commodities are assessed. It is argued that this commodification overlooks the unique challenges faced by MSPs and SMBs. A pervasive tendency within the industry to market cyber products in isolation neglects the limited resources smaller organizations possess to manage them.

Additionally, the lack of distinction between Information Security (IS) and Information Technology (IT) adds complexity for smaller businesses attempting to articulate their cybersecurity needs.

Call to Action & Wrap Up

As the episode draws to a close, core principles guiding SecurityStudio and FRSecure are emphasized, calling for an urgent shift within the industry. An ambitious initiative, “Truth In Cyber,” is shared, designed to nurture a culture of transparency and accountability among partners, competitors, and peers.

This initiative highlights a collective commitment to enhancing industry standards. In the final messages, listeners are encouraged to get involved with the Truth In Cyber movement at, advocating for everyone to sign the pledge and promote a more open and honest cybersecurity environment. The journey toward accountability begins now, and every voice plays a vital role.

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